About CICD

Name: Collaborative Initiative for Change and Development (CICD)

Motto: Educate – Advocate – Change

Vision: A Democratic Society and Developed Myanmar (or Burma)

Mission: To build a cohesive and sustained democratic society and support federalist democracy in Myanmar through advocacy, education, and economic development.


  • To work in Advocacy and Education towards federalist democracy and economic development in Burma
  • To enhance respect, tolerance, understanding, and collaboration between ethnic and religious groups through research, development, legal education and training, and advocacy.
  • To support higher education reform and initiatives in Myanmar by training, collaborative partnerships, connection with higher educational institutions and resources with the United States and other countries.
  • To engage and collaborate with government agencies, non-governmental organizations, businesses, and individuals in furthering the organization’s mission.

Our Core Value: Recognizing richly ethno-linguistic-religious marked society, MACI emphasizes on the inclusiveness and openness across the lines of different ethnic and religious groups in Myanmar in its organizational development, and appreciations and respect for diversity and professionalism.

Our Approach: Everything we do is educational, and for the long-term sustainable development of the society and country.
Address and Contact:

Tel: +95081412, +95089222
Email: [email protected];